Saturday 9 March 2013

Caring for people around you

I am doing this post whilst riding on my Le Tour De France indoor bike. Not much is happening, all I was thinking was that why am I still only half way through the track? Then out of the blue came the question, " what would I do if one of my close friends or family was to pass away suddenly? "How would I react?"

Honestly I take most of what I have for grated and never fully appreciate what I have and the people around me. Always thinking that I am better than other people at this and that. I always overestimate myself in my abilities. Funnily enough I am a shy person when it comes to being social. But when I am at home, I am too confident and honestly, really selfish.

I take my mum for granted, expecting her to take full responsibility of me and that she will be there when I need her. Yes, most of the time she will be here for me, but what if she isn't? Then what do I do? Recently I have realized that I have trouble doing to most simplest tasks, not physically, but the uncertainly of actually doing it. With my mum helping me along side I accomplish most of these tasks, but when she was out, I began to struggle again. I really need to learn and appreciate the things that are doin for me and one day help others like have they helped me.

I am currently in year 12 in Australia, and I hangout around the less popular guys, but enjoy everyday around them. From time to time I would get jealous of the more popular kids attending parties and being able to hang out on the weekends. But in the end, it really comes to who you are and what God has planned for you to do. I am so thankful for The Lord that he has granted me with new friendships with, Karina, Rachel.H, Suji, Katie and Rachel.Y. And he helped keep and endure my older friendships, especially with my best friend Nelson. Yeah we have small arguments here and there and we try to out shine each other but in the end we both enjoy our friendship and hope to treasure every moment of it.

Preparing for the final exam, the HSC , which is held near the end of this year, I have tutoring 3 times a week for most of my subjects. The most painful day being Sunday, from 9 am to 7 pm. With this negative thought I endured the first 5 weeks, but thinking about the sixth lesson which is on tomorrow, I actually am looking forward to. One being coming to my senses after writing this sentimental piece. The second being lucky enough to be in a semi wealthy family that can afford for me to go to tutoring. The last being a new friend that I have made from the first week of tutoring this year, Annie. We are going out for a friendly date to have ramen tomorrow for lunch. Coming out with this idea, expecting her to reject it, but to my astonishment, she agreed. With all these positive factors in my life, I really should enjoy and live every minute of it.

Sitting here sweating my bum off, thinking about life. Usually I struggle to produce any type of writing, but this time was different. A power that controlled me to write this story. This allows me to think back and relive what I have done for the last 17 years, the positive experiences that I have lived and the people who helped me when I was suffering. It was my family, friends and God that helped me. I am extremely thankful for what has happened to me and for what I have.

Angus Yeung 10/3/13 12:01am Sunday

Sunday 27 January 2013

Yum Cha Advent"CHA"

Had yum cha at Bondi on Saturaday(26/1/13)! The restaurant was extremely elegant and the service was really polite. We ordered baskets of dim sum (prawn dumplings, rice noodle wrap.....) Went there with my family and decided to go shopping in Westfield Bondi afterwards. Astonishingly I bought clothes from ZARA. After all the shopping was done, we wanted to go to COSTCO for fresh groceries, but forgetting that it was Australia day we drove for 45min and discovered that it was closed. Then we went home, but on the way home I asked to have a McDonalds run and bought 2 soft serves to eat of my sorrow of not being able to visit COSTCO! Overall had a great day!

Thursday 24 January 2013

Cat & the Hat

Bought an Australian umbrella hat! Looks nice huh? The rubber strap is pretty tight around my head, but i reckon the hat is perfect for when I go fishing or as a piece of head protection when I am having a water fight!

This hat provides a fair amount of shade and only cost $5.00Aus. Since it's Australia Day on Monday, i will have to go around wearing it long weekend!

Sunday 20 January 2013

Productive & Fulfilling Day In The City

 My family and I arrived at the Sydney Fish Markets in late fashion, arriving at around 1:00pm on a Saturday.
We bought our seafood ---------> and before we arrived, I was expecting to eat around 5-6 oysters, but to my astonishment my auntie ordered 30!!!!
Since there were only my cousin and I who adore oysters, we both each ate around 10 or more. We also bought sea urchin, seaweed, prawns and fish and chips. Overall was great, just the fact that the Fish Markets are always packed on the weekends finding a place to sit was extremely difficult.
We then walked around the Darling Harbour to walk off our full stomachs and on a mission to find the giant rubber duck that travels around the world bring joy to people. The rubber duck is in Australia, because it is a guest for the 2013 Sydney festival. Although it was cloudy and had sprinkles that day, tourists and locals all stopped to admire and take down memories of that cute rubber duck. I was really happy to see it before it leaves Australia. It's gigantic!

After hanging out with the giant rubber duck we were a little fatigue and were in need of a snack, but finding ourselves indulging on the riches, finest chocolate cake (Opera) and different flavours of macaroons at Lindt  Chocolat CafĂ©. I ordered 5 macaroons which were champagne, strawberry, pistachio, vanilla and cookies and cream delice. They cost $3.00Aus each, but let me be honest, they are worth the money.  

Spending Time In The City!

 Spending a beautiful day in the city in Australia with my family, had ramen for lunch! This place was really cheap and had a great atmosphere. 

Went to the arcade (attempting) to win some prizes at the claw machine, but was unfortunately unsuccessful due to the fact that the new machines having a strength gauge where timing is crucial.  

Attempted to win some stuffed toys (Lamas). Couldn't get my timing right with the gauge. Had a great time "trying" to win some loot.